Medical device

Whether oral solid dosage pharmaceuticals, drug delivery systems or diagnostic and medical devices, many healthcare products are susceptible to degradation and stability issues.

Colorcon is a leading specialist in controlled atmosphere packaging with indepth knowledge of moisture, oxygen and odor management inside healthcare packaging. Contact us for more details on which solution is the most suitable for your specific needs.

Medical device

A medical device is any analog or digital device used for medical purposes. Employed in hospitals as well as pharmacy settings, these technologies perform a wide array of tasks – from treatments and testing to life support. They need to comply with rigorous requirements and standards and their packaging should be sturdy, lightweight, and offer protection against different external factors. Standard or custom-made desiccant packets have all gone through a lengthy approval process and offer superior performance at a competitive price. MOLSIEVE desiccant tablets (original design by Colorcon) are an excellent way to combat moisture. Another tried and tested option is the ADP® (Advanced Desiccant Polymer) solution. Each product is designed with strong international safety regulations in mind and is able to adapt to just about any device on the market.

The benefits and challenges of modern technology

Medical devices come in all shapes and sizes and include simple items such as tongue depressors, medical thermometers, slightly more complex tools like dentist’s drills and blood pressure monitors. More advanced still are implants and prostheses, as well as some mechanisms used in diagnostics, that rely on cutting-edge technology to deliver results. It is also important to mention particularly small objects like pacemakers that operate through embedded software and help people live longer and healthier lives.
Due to the often sensitive nature of these products, special attention needs to be given to proper packaging. Trays, as well as pouches, have been used to store and transport devices both within a hospital setting as well as beyond the walls of medical institutions. In recent years, technology has made substantial strides ahead which has, in turn, made devices both more efficient but also more delicate. Today, most equipment used for diagnostics, monitoring, and other roles in health care are quite vulnerable to moisture, stress, shock, and other forms of impact. Protecting them guarantees their longevity and makes sure that each patient is afforded the best possible care.

There are a number of conditions each form of packaging needs to conform to in order to perform its role well. It should provide physical protection for its contents, making sure that the integrity of the device is kept throughout its journey and (often repeated) use. It also needs to maintain full sterility upon the point of use, as well as allow for deep cleaning and sterilization. Following regulation guidance and maintaining constant oversight are the only ways to implement best practices and make sure that the production process gives the desired results.

Cutting-edge innovation that meets all the highest standards

Each medical device, no matter how complex or simple, needs to be packaged, stored, and transported in a manner that is safe and prevents any of the associated risks. Regulatory needs can be complex and standards often vary widely between different countries. Our regulatory teams around the world can provide assistance and insight to ensure smooth conformity.

From MOLSIEVE to ADP® and beyond

Creating sturdy, adaptable, reliable medical device packaging is vital and all our products go through extensive package integrity testing as well as aging studies in order to create a safe environment for the simplest as well as the most complex equipment. Currently, we offer three categories of products that aim to provide medical devices with all the safety they need.

MOLSIEVE Desiccant Tablets are available in sizes ranging from 0.125 g, 0.250 g to 0.370 g. Their original design helps them remain discreet and hidden from view. Their main aim is to effectively combat moisture and ultimately decrease the chances of inaccurate test results. Through fast adsorption and high adsorption capacity, these tablets are an ideal choice for a particularly demanding hospital environment.

ADP® – Advanced Desiccant Polymer is used for moisture sensitive end-application on medical devices, as well as high-end technology. They are designed with permanent desiccation in mind, but our team has also made sure they are non-dusting and possess a swallowing avoidance mechanism. ADP® has improved adsorption capacity per unit of volume compared to similar products and, much like MOLSIEVE, is often imperceptible to customers. With practically unlimited and customizable shapes and sizes, this solution can fit the needs of just about any client.

Desiccant packets conform to the required standards established by the EU, USA, as well as many other regions around the world. They are excellent at preventing chemical or physical degradation due to moisture. We remain focused on offering the best practices at a reasonable price so our packets can be fitted with a wide selection of sorbent materials – to suit any budget. Our high capacity, multi-lane production equipment at multiple sites guarantees speedy order fulfillment.