
Whether oral solid dosage pharmaceuticals, drug delivery systems or diagnostic and medical devices, many healthcare products are susceptible to degradation and stability issues.

Colorcon is a leading specialist in controlled atmosphere packaging with indepth knowledge of moisture, oxygen and odor management inside healthcare packaging. Contact us for more details on which solution is the most suitable for your specific needs.


Powders are a type of dosage form consisting of fine powder or granular active ingredients. They can present issues as there are typically large volumes of material and they have a high-surface area of powders and granules. One of the main issues is moisture which can cause unwanted chemical reactions, caking/clumping of the product, and spoilage. We have a selection of solutions, suited for single-dose units as well as large-scale production. The range includes desiccant bags, ADP® Plate and DRICARD®, a combination of desiccant washers and inserts, as well as safe desiccant packets.

The problems in packaging and storing pharmaceutical powders

Powdered materials are used throughout the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, both as work in progress and final dosage forms. In many manufacturing lines, active pharmaceutical products (APIs) may be produced away from the facilities where tablets, capsules, or other dosage forms are produced. Protecting the API powder during transport and storage is crucial to delivering safe, effective medications.

Due to their bulk nature, API powders present a very large surface area that can allow the product to absorb unwanted moisture. This is worsened by API materials that have not yet been mixed with excipients or buffering compounds that help to stabilize the product, which can cause even more rapid degradation. Bulk desiccant bags are ideal for keeping work-in-progress materials safe as they move throughout the supply chain, ensuring good product reaches your customer when needed.

Powders and granules are also presented as a final dosage form, both for pharmaceuticals and nutraceutical supplements. Dissolvable powders and granules are used when dosages are too large for other drug forms to be effective. Protein powders, dietary supplements, laxatives, and other products require large amounts of product to be ingested in a short period of time. Powders are made to dissolve in water or be absorbed in an otherwise moist environment. Exposure to humidity can kickstart a reaction, rendering them useless or even changing their chemical makeup. This means that it is important for tightly sealed packaging to protect the integrity of these products. Additional desiccants can also be added, as required.

From ADP® Plate and DRICARDTM to Desiccant packets

Our extensive experience and production plants across the globe guarantee that we will be able to meet your expectations and deliver superior service. From bulk to single-dose packaging, our custom-made solutions present the client with unique properties and protection from harsh environmental factors.

Desiccant bags are an economical yet extremely durable option. These pouches are excellent for granules and dry powder, protecting the stability of healthcare products in larger quantities. Suited both for raw ingredients and manufactured drugs, they can be adapted to any given application – including bulk packaging for storage, shipping, or work-in-process material. Pouches are filled with silica gel or molecular sieve – both compliant with EU and US regulations.

ADP® Plate and DRICARD® are flat desiccants used when sachets are unable to fit into the narrow packaging of the product. Pre-workout nutrition powders benefit greatly from this approach, as do some testing agents. Through streamlined packaging and an ultra-fast filling machine, they are inserted with great precision and can save a good deal of space. ADP Plate Advanced Desiccant Polymer and DRICARD calcium chloride desiccant are both made to be obvious and highly differentiated from the product they protect, making them next to impossible to mix up or swallow.

Desiccant washers & inserts offer a tightness guarantee to enhance and prolong shelf-life. Available in a wide range of sizes, they enable easy classification as well as quick removal. They are an ideal combo for applications involving suspension drugs that require reconstitution.

Desiccant packets maintain the beneficial properties of each product – both in a pharmacy environment as well as during transportation and storage. They may be filled with a variety of sorbent materials and their sizes range from 0.25 g to 10 g. Available pre-cut or as reel-wound CONTINU-STRIP® packets are suitable for speedy yet accurate insertion.